Here we are again, friends. Can you believe we’re even starting to think about Christmas!??!!

This year, I had grand plans for themes and locations for Christmas Minis. But if 2020 has taught us anything, it’s taught us to be flexible (am I right, though???). So, here we are. Being flexible.

In order to keep us all safe this year, I’ve decided to keep things simple and limit props, mini set ups and the indoor location I had planned on. We’re going to keep things outside in the fresh air. Because of this, I’ve decided to offer two different locations for sessions this year.

One set of dates will be reserved for us to return to Downtown Harrisburg and continue exploring State Street. Even if you joined in on these sessions a few years ago, I promise we will be able to get some images that feel fresh and different. We’ll let the city provide our backdrop and spend our time focusing on capturing you and your family without the aide of any props - although you’re more than welcome to bring your own!!

Keep scrolling for some samples and for Option#2!

The other set of dates will be reserved for an outdoor farm location in Mechanicsburg - so if greenery, barn doors, old stone walls and dirt roads are more your style, these will be the sessions for you. (keep on eye out on Instagram for more photos from this spot in the next few weeks).

Again, please keep in mind that in order to stay safe and try to do our part to stop the spread of Covid-19, minimal props will be provided. You are free to bring your own (i.e. Christmas banners, Christmas signs, etc).

Continue below to book your Christmas Mini Session! I am so very excited about both of these locations and even more excited to have the honor to capture some more memories for you and yours this year.